Amy: How are you doing today, Tyler?

Tyler: Fine, thanks.

Amy: What’s been going on with you?

Anthony: Nothingness, just hanging around and school stuff.

Amy: Why have you come here today?

Tyler: I wanted to talk about Anthony.

Amy: What about him?

Anthony: I’ve been thinking about Tyler again.

Amy: What have you been thinking about him?

Tyler: It’s ummm..

Amy: Been a year since… Yeah, I know

Anthony: Yeah…

Amy: What do you feel about that.

Tyler: I don’t know, I just,

Tyler: I just miss him I guess.

Amy: What do you miss about him?

Anthony: I don’t know, his body, his likeness, him.

Amy: Have you been fantasizing about him?

Tyler: Oh yeah, never stopped.

Amy: What have you been fantasizing about?

Anthony: Affection, and sex.

Tyler: I’ve been fantasizing about him fucking me. And also loving me.

Amy: Do you enjoy these fantasies?

Anthony: Yes, why wouldn’t I?

Amy: Some people don’t, they think that they’re forced to think these things.

Tyler: Oh, yeah, none of that.

Amy: Are these fantasies new?

Anthony: Yes.

Amy: When did they start?

Tyler: A couple of months ago.